Here are some of my best freebies, savings apps, and side hustles!

Get ready to save money! If you are ready to learn about FIRE financial independence retire early this is the place to start! You first need to slash expenses. If you click a link or make a purchase I may be compensated as an affiliate with no additional cost to you.

Money Saving Resources!

Calculate your Net Worth and years to retirement (Free)

When starting on your financial freedom journey you need to organize all of your accounts in one place. I recommend you download this free app from Personal Capital to start organizing all of your money in one place so you can easily see your net worth and spending habits. Download it here today!

Get My Budget Bestie spreadsheet (free)

In my opinion, the purpose of a budget is to spend as little as necessary on most expenses to have more money to spend on the experiences I value. Get the one I use for free by clicking the button below!

Cash Back on Shopping Rakuten (Free)

You simply online shop as you usually do, and receive cash back for doing so! All of the brands you normally shop at participate. No brainer! Signup!

Learn More About FIRE (YouTube)

I love teaching you how to save money, budget, payoff debt, and of course, invest in the stock market! There is a wealth of information on my YouTube Page. Check it out!

Mobile phone service for $15 a month! Mint Mobile!

I switched from Verizon to Mint Mobile. My iPhoneX is paid off and I wasn’t on any contract (but don't worry, you can get an iPhone through Mint Mobile). Mint Mobile is a flat $15 a month (5GB Plan, I average about 4GB) and it runs on the T-Mobile network. I have noticed NO difference in service from Verizon. I love it! You can try it out before cutting off your current service. That’s what I did. Click here now!

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